
We’ve talked to our team and gat在这里d 10 of the most frequently asked questions in order to answer them 在这里. 这是前十名中的第二部分.

Read part 1 of this article 在这里 >>


It is often told that in livestock production (whether it’s at farm level or at feed level), 如果我们没有发现沙门氏菌的话, 那是因为我们没有找对地方. 从来没有人能完全保证我们没有沙门氏菌. 不过, 沙门氏菌控制计划成功的秘诀, 是否在关键风险点的管理和处理中. 沙门氏菌从一开始就不应该成为临床疾病, 因为控制它的唯一方法就是抗生素. 预防是我们最好的盟友, 如果我们选择整体控制计划,我们的机会将大大增加. Organic acids 如 formic, propionic or butyric acids, can help on the nutritional side with 饲料卫生, 水acidificati在和 肠道健康. 这些有用的工具与其他策略相结合, 比如良好的管理, 病媒控制和生物安全, 我们可以控制它, 在饲料安全方面, 动物安全,因此, 食品安全.


We know that wet litter in poultry houses has been a challenge for poultry producers for decades. 作为我们常见问题系列的一部分, we are addressing the question many of us would 就像 to know the answer to: “what causes wet litter?“湿垃圾与脚垫皮炎的发展有关, 哪一种可以通过减少体重增加来降低工作效率, 增加货物, 降低胴体质量被认为是多因素的, 这是动物和环境因素相互作用的结果.

Collett (2007) stated that wet litter results when the rate of water addition (excreta, 溢出)超过清除速度(蒸发). 这一问题往往有多种原因,如漏水等.e., 从屋顶上, 水行, 喝的乳头, 和冷表面上的凝结, 哪一种会沿着地表滴落下来,最终成为垃圾.  
鸟的排泄物是另一个增加产仔水分的重要因素. 由于营养不平衡,排泄物的含水量会增加, 疾病, 或者肠道完整性受损. These factors may cause reduced intestinal net water absorpti在和 cause more water than necessary to end up in the litter. 
以帮助避免湿垃圾, eliminate all kinds of leakages and ensure the drinking system is well managed, 有正确的水压, 并被放置在合适的高度. 温度, 湿度, and ventilation need to be controlled and adjusted to prevent condensation of water and to facilitate the evaporation of water from the litter.

也, 主动调整鸟类的饮食,避免营养摄入过多, especially proteins and minerals in order to reduce unnecessary urinary output. Promote the development of a healthy gut in your birds already from the start. A strong and resilient intestine reduces the impact of intestinal stressors and helps maintain a balanced water absorption.



很明显,我们收到了很多关于我们的十大正规网堵平台和明星十大正规网堵平台的问题 老ProPhorce™ 可能在这方面领先. But we also get a lot of questions about combining products, especially with 老ProPhorce™. 所以你可以或者应该这样做? 能将酸化剂与proorce™SR结合使用吗? 或者当你使用它时,你根本不需要酸化剂? proproce™SR可以与益生菌或益生元联合使用吗? 我们与十大正规网堵平台专家jossour Maria Ros Felip讨论了这个问题.

“You always have to consider first exactly w在这里 in the body a product exerts its effect” he starts. “For example acidifiers have an effect on efficiency in the first part of the digestive tract 如 the stomach or the gizzard. 丁酸的作用发生在肠道内. 益生菌和益生元在肠道的下部是活跃的. With each of these products targeting different areas for effect, it may make sense to combine them. 你可能会看到一些协同效应。”.

José Maria continues “obviously t在这里 are no guarantees that the synergies you see will be on par with the additional investments required for this menu of additives. 这里有很多因素. We frequently see clearly effective combinations of acidifiers and tributyrins. Talk to your contact about your specific context and we can see if we can offer advice based on our experiences”.



又是一个很常见的问题! Choosing one solution out of our product range will depend on your objectives, desired effect or whether or not your feed already is being treated with a 肠道健康 solution 如 老ProPhorce™.
我们的解决方案多种多样,从高度浓缩的缓冲酸混合物,比如 proproce™经典NC, that aims for optimal 水acidification; to an acidifier solution with boosted antimicrobial effect, 如 proproce™高级NC, and to a wider range solution that also covers a 肠道健康 effect by the means of the butyrins, 就像 proproce™独家NC.
Specific situations may need to consider other factors in order to make a decision. Please get in touch with a Perstorp representative for advice on the most suitable product for your biosecurity program.



The last of the 10 most frequently asked questions that we discuss is one about sodium bicarbonate. More specifically whether or not it can easily be replaced by our sodium formate based solution proproce™AC 299. Both are sodium sources often used to optimize the dietary Electrolyte Balance (dEB). The simple answer to that question is ‘yes’ if you’re talking about monogastric animals. You can replace sodium bicarbonate with sodium formate and it is not a bad choice to do so. In piglets it is already common practice to use calcium formate instead of calcium carbonate because formate is preferred over carbonate in the diet, 由于缓冲效果较低. 那么为什么要区别对待钠的来源呢? The formate part of sodium formate IS a desirable ion due to its ability to help reduce bacteria in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract.
T在这里 is a narrative circulating with regards to bicarbonate in poultry – especially for layers. 碳酸氢盐改善蛋壳品质. 这是真的. However that does not automatically mean that feeding sodium bicarbonate enhances egg shell quality. The carbonate used in eggshell formation is endogenously produced from carbon dioxide and can not be supplied via the diet. 膳食碳酸盐会与氢离子反应生成碳酸. That carbonic acid then decomposes into carbon dioxide and water in the stomach/proventriculus/rumen, 导致pH值不受欢迎的增加. In ruminants you want the buffering effects of bicarbonate w在这里as in monogastric animals you’re looking for the opposite.
These short answers can be made far more complex depending on exactly what you wish to know or your specific situation. 想知道更多吗?? Contact your sales manager or other counterparts at Perstorp to set up a dialogue.

Read part 1 of this article 在这里 >>



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